Painting has been a huge interest in our classroom! We have been challenging the children by only providing blue, red, yellow, white and black paint. If they need any additional color their job is to mix it by using the primary colors. This has been great fun for them. We have successfully mixed orange and green and will now be moving on to purple.

Teaching Strategies Gold
7. Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination a. Uses fingers and hands 11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning a. Attends and engages b. Persist c. Solves problems d. Shows curiosity and motivatione. Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking33. Explores the visual arts
Kindergarten Visual Arts, Music, Dance and Theater Standards
ART.VA.II.K.1 Explore the basic uses of art materials to produce artwork
ART.VA.I.K.3 Explore the elements of art through playful sensory experiences.
ART.VA.I.K.4 Prepare, complete, and sign finished artwork.
Animals and where they live are a never ending topic of interest. The children have been curious about the maps in the room and where the animals live on them. We have explored building different habitats out of tree blocks, citi blocks, and tinker trays with a variety of materials. Recently Mrs. Schimm brought in a globe to spark a further interest of the maps. We wonder if the interest in maps will continue to be about animals or about travel...?

Teaching Strategies Gold
1. Regulates own emotions and behaviors a. Manages feelings
b. Follows limits and expectations
9. Uses language to express thoughts and needs
a. Uses an expanding expressive vocabulary
b. Speaks clearly
c. Uses conventional grammar
32. Demonstrates simple geographic knowledge
Michigan Next Generation Science Standards
K–G1.0.1 Recognize that maps and globes represent places.
K–G2.0.1 Identify and describe places in the immediate environment (e.g., classroom, home, playground)
Right off the bat, we noticed that motion was a huge concept that was happening in our room. It We've explored moving our bodies through dancing as well as yoga and found that our bodies move differently to the different types of music we listen to.
We've expanded the idea of motion, to cars traveling down the ramps and roads. We even started exploring the movement of gears or balls down the ramp, and how it compares to the cars.
We've expanded the idea of motion, to cars traveling down the ramps and roads. We even started exploring the movement of gears or balls down the ramp, and how it compares to the cars.
Teaching Strategies Gold
11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning
a. Attends and engages
b. Persist
c. Solves problems
d. Shows curiosity and motivation
e. Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking
24. Uses scientific inquiry skills
26. Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materials
Michigan Next Generation Science Standards
K-PS2-1 Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object.
K-PS2-2 Analyze data to determine if a design solution works as intended to change the speed or direction of an object with a push or a pull.
A love for cooking is evident in our classroom. So far we have cut up vegetables for vegetable soup and baked sunflower seeds. We look forward to exploring other flavors as we make smoothies next week! Share with us the foods you enjoy making at home!

Teaching Strategies Gold Standards
3. Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations
a. Balances needs and rights of self and others
b. Solves social problems
22. Compares and measures
a. Measures objects
a. Measures objects
Common Core Math Standards
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.MD.A.1 Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single object.
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