Monday, October 7, 2019

Take a Break Agreement

Take a Break Agreement

When is it time to take a break? 
Sophia: “When your body is not calm.”
Jericho: “If you are interrupting group time.” 
Halle: “If you are being too silly.”
Isabelle: “If you are sad.” 

How long should you take a break for?
Zach: “When the sand runs out of the two minute

Where are take-a-break spots?
Aydin: “A quiet place.” 
Maya: “The loft.” 

What can you do while taking a break? 
James: “Drink some water.”
Davis: “Read a book.”

Why do you take a break?

Mrs. Schimm: ”To calm your body so you can get
back to problem solving and learning.” 

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